Best Intentions
So, about those best intentions. It seems they struck again.
November came quickly, did it not? And now it's almost gone. I'm only now presenting my new site, and there's still a big chunk in the middle that's missing.
To be fair: 2016 seems to be a year of the world going backwards. Or, perhaps, the culmination of years of stagnation masquerading as progress.
The messes we keep trying to sweep under the carpet errupting.
Or the skeletons in our cupboards finally splitting the wooden-seams.
For many, 2016 hasn't been a particularly great year. Yes, it's had highlights—but they've been somewhat overshadowed, methinks, by death. Literal and figurative.
Still; Can I blame 2016 for all of my woes? Probably not. As much as those who cry "Why is this still a thing!? It's 2016 already!" would like to believe an arbitrary year in the vast expanse of time should mark a precendent for positive change; it doesn't. Nor does it set a precedent for the negative.
The precedent is set by our own human nature.
And so, this year, as much as I'd like to moan and whine about circumstances; I have as much, if not more, to do with my lack of advancement than I'd like to admit. But admit I will.
As 2016 winds down to it's seasonal nap, here's to next year and willfully (as opposed to hopefully) learning a lesson or three.
And acting on them.